- What inedible to perhaps have? 或者有什么不能吃的?
- If you haven't hang up to perhaps have an other matter, please message after hearing "Du". 如果你还没有挂断或者有其它的事,听见“嘟”后请留言。
- How should be a thick soup of tremella lotus seed done? It has what profit to the body, what profit to perhaps have to the skin? 银耳莲子羹该怎样做呢?它对身体有什么好处,或者对皮肤有什么好处?
- Additional, after drinking water to perhaps have a thing every time, should remember labial wipe up lipstick of embellish of seasonable daub. 而在涂口红之前,记得先涂一层含有滋润、隔离成分的护唇膏,既能防护彩妆对娇唇的伤害,又能让双唇变得更加柔嫩。
- Some sacred inspiration perhaps had come to him. 也许他得到了某种神的启示。
- Genuflect begs: What specific does remedial enteritis have to perhaps surprise square? 跪求:治疗肠炎有没有什么特效药或者是奇方?
- "The corn that is used to make ethanol is inedible to humans. 他说:“用来生产乙醇的玉米不是供人类食用的玉米。
- It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me. 记住你告诉我的话并不容易。
- She will do well and perhaps have more offspring than others in the population. 她从此过得很好,也许生的孩子比族群中的其他妇女还多。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- My friend has seasonal enteritis, how to recuperate? What medicine to perhaps eat to do not have side-effect to be in charge of again with? 我朋友有季节性肠炎,怎样调理一下?或者吃什么药没副作用又管用?
- I think it would be an excellent idea but they've haven a lot of expense lately and perhaps haven't got the money. 我想它是一个很好的主意,但是最近他们开销很大,也许没有这笔钱。
- She fall to brood about what have happen to her. 她开始沉思默想自己的遭遇。
- I learned what expressions to use in public. 我懂得在公共场所中应使用什么措辞。
- What I have said so far might sound pretty discouraging, and perhaps has convinced you to drop thecourse, or stop philosophizing altogether. 第二,你将了解哲学传统方面的知识。
- The establishment ventilation shall be such that the air flow is, under no circumstance, directed from the inedible to the edible section. 屠宰场通风条件应当保持在任何情况下不将气流从不适于食用区转向可食用区。
- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
- Perhaps has mistaken me as I was mistaken Thomas Kent. 可能是你把我弄错了,就像我弄错了托马斯·肯特一样。
- Macrobiosis is not enough, perhaps having children is better. 长寿不够,说不定有小孩会更好。
- Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那艺术家在她的作品中究竟想表达什麽?